OVIS-1.1.0: Release Notes

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Current Version (Version 1.1.0 – 11/01/06)

What’s New:

  • Additional option for display Interpolate Missing Data that allows display of available values in a time range centered about the requested time, if no value is available for that time.
  • Editable filename prefix in correlation and statistics tools.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a previous bug that disallowed the entry of non-integral floating point values in the Variable Scales section of the Preferences Dialog.
  • Fixed a previous bug that disallowed the entry of a number of 1,000,000 or larger in the Variable Scales section of the Prefernces Dialog.

Known Issues:

  • Header files must have no extra whitespace and only use spaces for delimeters (UI).
  • Data text files must use only spaces for whitespace, tabs are not recognized as either whitespace or delimiters (OvisDataReader_TextFile.cpp).
  • There is no way to cancel an statistics or correlation calculation that is running a long time. Closing the statistics or correlation dialog will not cancel the calculation. Workaround: Exiting the Ovis application will cause the calculation to stop.
  • If there are many (more than 20) columns in a plane, the columns on the far right may fall off the edge of the display: Workarounds: Either decrease the number of columns on a plane by using multiple planes, resize the Ovis window, resize the columns, or use the mouse to pan the table view to view the columnns on the right.
  • Only one "HorizontalStacks" is allowed per "Rack" in the geometry XML file. "VerticalStacks" (blades) are not supported yet.
  • Selection in "Interpolate Missing Data" of "Use Last Data Value"only works for data previously read in. That is, it does not work for the "Go" button and it only works for "Play" button for data previously displayed during that play sequence.


  • None

Previous Releases (Version 1.0.0 – 08/24/06)

What’s New:

  • All new: first open release

Known Issues:

  • Header files must have no extra whitespace and only use spaces for delimeters (UI).
  • Data text files must use only spaces for whitespace, tabs are not recognized as either whitespace or delimiters (OvisDataReader_TextFile.cpp).
  • There is no way to cancel an statistics or correlation calculation that is running a long time. Closing the statistics or correlation dialog will not cancel the calculation. Workaround: Exiting the Ovis application will cause the calculation to stop.
  • If there are many (more than 20) columns in a plane, the columns on the far right may fall off the edge of the display: Workarounds: Either decrease the number of columns on a plane by using multiple planes, resize the Ovis window, resize the columns, or use the mouse to pan the table view to view the columnns on the right.
  • Only one "HorizontalStacks" is allowed per "Rack" in the geometry XML"VerticalStacks" (blades) are not supported yet.