OVIS-2: Release Notes

This website contains archival information. For updates, see https://github.com/ovis-hpc/ovis-wiki/wiki

Current Version (OVIS 3)

Version 3.0.x (rc1, rc2, 3.0, 3.0.1; 08/09/10, 09/15/10, 10/25/10,11/22/10)

What’s New:

  • Multiple database backend to improve performance and data storage
    • Model learn works with multiple databases
  • SLURM job log search capabilities and interaction of log search with analysis
  • Various schema changes including
    • Time is now part of the individual metric data tables to improve performance and to improve ease of use when inserting data and extracting data for other purposes
    • Sampler and Metric arguments
  • Various sampler base classes and arguments in order to improve ease of use, particularly for remote metrics


  • Model drop exists only in a demo mode and will soon be reinstantiated
  • Monitor mode will soon be reinstantiated
  • Visualization of data is supported for only the database to which the current baron is connected. Parallel rendering is under development.

Known Bugs:


Previous Versions (OVIS 2)

Version 2.0.3 (Bug fix) (07/12/09)

What’s New:

  • ovMetricLinuxProcStatUtil Sampler now comes in Local and Remote Versions
  • testonecpu.ovdb – ovdb for a rack with one node with 4 cpus and 4 cores per cpu. This is meant as a contrast to the testone.ovdb case, which shows nodes only. In testone.ovdb, all cpu utilization information is collected by LocalSamplers running on the node that collect for those metrics to be represented on the node, whereas in testonecpu.ovdb cpu utilization information is collected by RemoteSamplers running on the node that collect for those metrics to be represented on the cores.

Bug Fixes:

  • ovMetricLinuxProcNetDevSampler has been fixed for erroneous metric numbering
  • Analyses over components which are containers no longer include in the component list the contained components

Known Bugs:

  • Physical display may come up empty or appear with a black sections.
    • This is being fixed. For now, restart the Baron.
  • Multiple physical displays may occasionally lose color as you move from one to the next.
    • This is being fixed. For now, anything that refreshes the screen will handle it — e.g., redropping the metric or advancing the clock.


  • ovMetricLinuxProcStatUtil Sampler now comes in Local and Remote versions

Other Notes:

  • This version fully supports a single database backend. Please see the OVIS User’s Guide for more information on the status of distributed databases.

Version 2.0.2 (Bug fix) (05/11/09)

What’s New:

  • Whitney example data has been moved out of the code release tarball into a separate tarball

Bug Fixes:

  • Revision of arguments in testSampler.cxx code
  • Fix in ovMetricRecorder.cxx to address that Time has been moved out of the EventIndex
  • ovMetricLinuxProcStatUtil.cxx now reports CPUxPercentUser/PercentSys/PercentIdle instead of deltaUser/Sys/Idle and PercentUtil. The calculation has been changed assuming 9 columns of data in /proc/stat for CPU information.

Known Bugs:

  • Physical display may come up empty or appear with a black sections.
    • This is being fixed. For now, restart the Baron.
  • Multiple physical displays may occasionally lose color as you move from one to the next.
    • This is being fixed. For now, anything that refreshes the screen will handle it — e.g., redroppng the metric or advancing the clock.
  • Analyses over components which are containers include in the component list the contained components (e.g., analyses over racks may include in the component list the contained nodes). However, this does not affect the overall result as the contained components do not have values for the metrics (e.g., the nodes do not have the rack metrics) and hence do not contribute to the calculation.


  • ovMetricLinuxProcStatUtil.cxx now reports CPUxPercentUser/PercentSys/PercentIdle instead of deltaUser/Sys/Idle and PercentUtil. The calculation has been changed assuming 9 columns of data in /proc/stat for CPU information.

Other Notes:

  • This version fully supports a single database backend. Please see the OVIS User’s Guide for more information on the status of distributed databases.

Version 2.0.1 (Initial 2.0 release) (04/16/09)

What’s New:

  • Everything.

Bug Fixes:

Known Bugs:

  • Physical display may come up empty or appear with a black sections.
    • This is being fixed. For now, restart the Baron.
  • Multiple physical displays may occasionally lose color as you move from one to the next.
    • This is being fixed. For now, anything that refreshes the screen will handle it — e.g., redroppng the metric or advancing the clock.


Other Notes:

  • This version fully supports a single database backend. Please see the OVIS User’s Guide for more information on the status of distributed databases.