
Results 26–38 of 38


These pages contain notes for LDMS plug-in developers. Plug-ins for LDMS 2.x are of sampler, store, and transport (xprt) flavors. They all start with being loaded by name and all operate as singleton instances. The interface common to all is: getget_typeusageconfigtermname as defined in struct ldmsd_plugin from ldms/src/core/ldmsd.h Additional methods...

Publications & Presentations Archive

Note: Publications prior to Sept 2011 refer to a different and now deprecated architecture for data collection and transport (i.e., they do NOT use LDMS). Measuring Congestion in High-Performance Datacenter NetworksS. Jha, A. Gentile, J. Brandt, A. Patke, B. Lim, G. Bauer, M. Showerman, L. Kaplan, Z. Kalbarczyk, W. Kramer,...

Sampler APIv2

See also: Plugin APIv2 LDMS v2 samplers gather data and package it for collection. API The base API is extended by get_set and sample. get_set is called by ldmsd after the sampler has been configured. sample is called repeatedly after ldmsd has used get_set. Lifecycle LoadConfigurationGet setSample when toldClear plug-in...


Shaun provides a cluster environment for collaborative exploration of HPC system monitoring data. When it is ready, instructions for requesting access will appear here.

Store APIv2

Each store singleton is configured with a set of configuration parameters common across all data that comes to the store. Each singleton is expected to handle output to multiple containers, with routing of data to container managed by the naming of sets. Each store plugin provides its own concept of...

The OVIS Project

High Performance Computing Monitoring, Analysis, and Visualization OVIS is a modular system for HPC data collection, transport, storage, analysis, visualization, and response. The OVIS project seeks to enable more effective use of High Performance Computational Clusters via greater understanding of applications' use of resources, including the effects of competition for...

Transport APIv2

The only documentation for the transport is the source code. The transport layer is being replaced with the zap transport layer in LDMS v3, so you probably don't want to develop a new v2 transport plugin.

Using OVIS Public

Draft…in progress… (This page describes software which is no longer supported as of 2017). Shepherd Running the Shepherd (on an existing database) shepherd --name=cds --database=mysql://ovis@localhost/cdsL2_0706 --http-port-spec=8080 This will start the shepherd to use the database with the database called cdsL2_0706 and it will use port 8080 to accept curl commands...

V4 Libevent Status

Libevent-dependence is going away at some point in the LDMS V4 release series. It is not exposed in the plugin APIs in v3, so no one will miss it. Certain specific plugins might have an internal libevent/http dependency; whether these plugins become part of the LDMS primary code base is...

V4 Sampler Status

A number of samplers from v2 and v3 need updating or other change of status in v4 LDMS. Here we catalog what's happening and any key rationale. General Sampler Problems Suspected or Observed Multiples of the same plugin -- is this supposed to work? if so is it handled consistently ?Multiples...

V4 Store Status

amqp Librabbitmq 0.8 based, no changes planned. Tracking of librabbitmq updates expected. csv Plans Remove hard-coded limit on number of instances.Extended flush options to manage latency and debugging issues. Ideas under discussion Possible inclusion of final agg time in the writeoutIt will cost virtually nothing (but storage) to add an...


V4 Sampler Status V4 Store Status V4 Libevent Status

Very Light Secure App Monitoring Approach

We have a variety of strategies to monitor applications with LDMS in development. Each addresses a subset of use cases, and none of the current ones is conservative enough (or easily configured to be conservative enough) for many app users, developers or administrators. I started a github wiki page cataloging...
Results 26–38 of 38