
Results 1–25 of 38


Baler is developed by Narate Taerat at OGC for Sandia National Laboratories. It is not yet in public release. Instructions for standalone version for collaborators: Baler Public Baler 1.5

Baler 1.5

Baler, available as a stand-alone or Ovis-integrated package, is a collection of programs aiming to aid system log analysis task by summarizing the input log messages into informative, human-friendly wild-card patterns. Baler also offer event occurrence visualization and association rule mining among message pattern occurrences for root-cause analysis and event...

Baler Public

Dependencies Baler needs the following packages to compile Qt4, qt-mysqllibQtGuilibQtCorelibQtSqlboost (not just headers, but also compiled libraries. More recent yum installs of boost will have these libraries.)libboost_program_optionslibboost_iostreamsNote that libboost_iostreams may need install of bzip2-develPerlperl-Algorithm-Diff (yum install will also make use it is in the right place wrt @INC. you can...

Building OVIS Public

Status OVIS version 3.0 supports multiple concurrent shepherds for the distributed database and mysql inserts on the part of the sheep (on-component data collectors). It has the qt/vtk based interface only.We have a number of installs that use a single shepherd configuration. There are some features in the master git...


Protection Domain Tags (Cray Specific) Note: If you are going to be using the "ugni" transport (RDMA over Gemini) you will need to run with either system (as root) or user (as user) ptags. While root CAN run using any ptag the fact that its use is unknown to ALPS...


Lightweight Distributed Metric Service (LDMS): Design and API Documentation LDMS is the data collection, transport, and storage component of the OVIS suite of tools. Documentation Pre-release Documentation High Level End to End LDMS High Level End to End Diagram This diagram shows the base component, the LDMS daemon (ldmsd), being...

Downloads & Documentation

For bibliography see Downloads Currently only LDMS is released. Source code and documentation are all hosted at: OVIS Research Data Public data sets from OVIS-related tools (LDMS, syslog, baler) are indexed here. The data files are not available on this server due to the data volume. Name: skybridge-2019-1Format:...

FAQ Public

LDMS What does this metric mean? LDMS Metric Definitions provides a starting point to understanding the data items gathered with LDMS. How do I get the LDMS source? Install? Configure? Use? LDMS source and all documentation is available at github: Where can I get more info about the current...


LDMS Release Notes OVIS-1.1.0: Copyright OVIS-1.1.0: Release Notes OVIS-2: Copyright OVIS-2: Release Notes OVIS 3 License


LDMS These are instructions for building LDMS v2 on a non-Cray platform from a repository which is no longer supported. Visit Getting OVIS Keyless access: git clone git:// cd ovispublic git checkout mergebranch Building LDMS The source has a main directory called ovis with the following code subdirectories: lib...


LDMS is the data collection, transport, and storage component of the OVIS suite of tools. The LDMS piece of OVIS is available, open source. See the FAQ Public for more information. FAQ Public LDMS Metric Definitions LDMS Downloads & Documentation Development LDMS 3.x Plugins V4Dev Application Monitoring History

LDMS 3.x Plugins

You can list the stores and samplers and usage hints for your LDMS 3.4 installation with (typically) /usr/bin/ This will list the compiled and installed plugins and their options for use in the LDMS configuration language. This may include experimental plugins. Generally, production plugins will have a man page, for...


Checking Out LDMS Distribution We will be checking out to a directory called "Source" Make "Source" directory in your home directory mkdir Source Change your working directory to Source cd Source Download LDMS code into a directory called "ovispublic" git clone ovispublic The code is in the master (only)...

LDMS Metric Definitions

Cray LDMS Metrics Cray XC specific samplers are used on large machines like Trinity and Blue Waters. We hope some day to have a tabulation of the Cray metrics and references to the relevant Cray documentation here. In the meanwhile, Cray LDMS users will find many metrics have the same...

LDMS Release Notes

About LDMS Releases and Release Notes also available at usage examples for samplers and stores at LDMS FAQ. Configuration and usage information can be also be found in the man pages. Updates VOTD Version Info: No current VOTD release (master is the same as the current release). Current Release...

News & Events

News 2017 ISC High Performance 2017 (ISC) Gauss Award Winner: Diagnosing Performance Variations in HPC Applications Using Machine Learning - using LDMS monitoring data as the basis for Machine Learning-based Performance DiagnosisLDMS wins 2015 R&D 100 award!2015: ASCR awarded Resilience project Holistic Measurement Driven Resilience: Combining Operational Fault and Failure...

OVIS 3 License

OVIS is Open Source Software released under BSD license with copyright as follows: Copyright (2006, 2010) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted...

OVIS-1.1.0: Copyright

OVIS is Open Source Software released under BSD license with copyright as follows: Copyright (2006) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided...

OVIS-1.1.0: Release Notes

Current Version (Version 1.1.0 – 11/01/06) What's New: Additional option for display Interpolate Missing Data that allows display of available values in a time range centered about the requested time, if no value is available for that time.Editable filename prefix in correlation and statistics tools. Bug Fixes: Fixed a previous...

OVIS-2: Copyright

OVIS is Open Source Software released under BSD license with copyright as follows: Copyright (2006) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided...

OVIS-2: Release Notes

Current Version (OVIS 3) Version 3.0.x (rc1, rc2, 3.0, 3.0.1; 08/09/10, 09/15/10, 10/25/10,11/22/10) What's New: Multiple database backend to improve performance and data storageModel learn works with multiple databasesSLURM job log search capabilities and interaction of log search with analysisVarious schema changes includingTime is now part of the individual metric...
Results 1–25 of 38